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This is Florence

Guide to the Discovery of the City’s Wonders

Edizione inglese

11,40 € 12,00

Ciao, ragazzi,

ecco Firenze! Nelle sue strade, per le sue piazze tante storie da raccontare. Conosceremo monumenti famosi, personaggi importanti e con l’aiuto di Pittor Nano, che darà forma e colore alla nostra visita, giocheremo insieme alla scoperta della città. Per giocare con questo libro dovrete imparare a decifrare gli indovinelli del cerca-trova ed essere molto, molto curiosi. Ricordate inoltre che qualche volta le opere che incontrerete per le vie della città sono state sostituite da copie, necessarie per permettere la corretta conservazione degli originali, ora esposti nei musei.
Se volete conoscere Silvano Campeggi, detto Pittor Nano, potrete trovare il suo “doppio autoritratto” fra quelli raccolti nella Collezione degli Autoritratti d’artista della Galleria degli Uffizi. La raccolta, continuamente ampliata, è stata a lungo esposta nel Corridoio Vasariano. Voluto da Cosimo I nel 1565 e progettato da Giorgio Vasari, questo lungo camminamento serviva per proteggere i Granduchi nel tragitto da Palazzo Vecchio, la sede del governo, a Palazzo Pitti, la loro residenza…

Testi di Laura Bati, disegni di Nano Campeggi.

Hello, boys and girls,

This is Florence! Along its streets and in its squares are many stories to be told. We will discover famous monuments, important people, and with Pittor Nano giving form and colour to our visit, we will play a game of discovery. To play with me you should learn to guess the seek-and-find riddles, and be very, very curious. Remember that some of the works we will see along the city streets have been replaced by copies to protect the originals, now displayed in museums. To know more about Silvano Campeggi, also called Pittor Nano, you can find his double self-portrait in the Collection of Artists’ Self-Portraits at the Galleria degli Uffizi. The collection, continuously enlarged, was displayed in the Vasari Corridor for many years. Built for Cosimo I in 1565 and designed by Giorgio Vasari, this corridor, nearly a kilometre long, protected the Grand Dukes as they went back and forth between Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of the government, and Palazzo Pitti, their residence.

Texts by Laura Bati, drawings by Nano Campeggi.

Hello, boys and girls,

This is Florence! Along its streets and in its squares are many stories to be told. We will discover famous monuments, important people, and with Pittor Nano giving form and colour to our visit, we will play a game of discovery.
To play with me you should learn to guess the seek-and-find riddles, and be very, very curious. Remember that some of the works we will see along the city streets have been replaced by copies to protect the originals, now displayed in museums. To know more about Silvano Campeggi, also called Pittor Nano, you can find his double self-portrait in the Collection of Artists’ Self-Portraits at the Galleria degli Uffizi. The collection, continuously enlarged, was displayed in the Vasari Corridor for many years. Built for Cosimo I in 1565 and designed by Giorgio Vasari, this corridor, nearly a kilometre long, protected the Grand Dukes as they went back and forth between Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of the government, and Palazzo Pitti, their residence.

Texts by Laura Bati, drawings by Nano Campeggi.

Polistampa, 2017

A cura di:

Pagine: 60

Caratteristiche: ill. col., cart.

col ills, hardcover

Formato: 22x22

ISBN: 978-88-596-1820-1



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