Paolo Gizdulich

Paolo Gizdulich

Paolo Gizdulich, nato a Firenze nel 1943, Fisico della ex Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia di Firenze, docente di Fisica Applicata, ha tenuto corsi di Fisica Medica, Fisica Sanitaria, Biofisica, Statistica, Informatica. Ha collaborato per lunghi periodi con il Laboratorio di Strumentazione Biomedica del TNO di Amsterdam. Sposato con Gabriella, ha due figli e quattro nipoti. È in pensione dal 2012.

Paolo Gizdulich was born in 1943 in Florence, where he attended his studies and where he got a degree in Nuclear Physics. In 1970 he joined the staff of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Florence, as assistant in Medical Physics. In 1983 he became Associate Professor of Medical Physics with the same Faculty. After an initial period of about 8 years, during which he was engaged with Health Physics, he became interested in physics applied to the Cardiovascular System, in biomechanical properties of the arterial walls, and in biomechanics of human bones with a specific attention to the relationship between mechanical strain and electrical response. Later, and still now, he focused on the electrical activity of muscles, looking for a way to characterize the muscle state and tone at the order level of the muscle fibers’ activity.

Libri a cura di Paolo Gizdulich